Stay at home mom

I envy stay at home moms...

I envy stay at home moms...

I experience a constant push and pull between being a working mom and the desire to be a stay at home mom. I want to work. But I hate being away from kids. I need the money but don’t want to pay for childcare.

When I was working full-time with an hour commute, all I wanted was to have more time with my daughter, and I envied stay at home moms. When I quit my job to try and work from home as a contractor, I envied moms that didn’t have the distractions of their kids while trying to work. I loved my kids AND I loved working. 

My heart felt torn in many different directions.    

You Can Do What You Love AND Get Paid For It

You Can Do What You Love AND Get Paid For It

(This post is part one of the current blog series: Overcome Your Fear :: Become A Mompreneur. To read the initial post that sets up the series, click here.)

Ok. Let’s just jump right into what is likely one of the biggest questions holding you back from transitioning into the life of a mompreneur: What kind of work would you do? Though hidden within this question is another, probably more important, question...

The Traditional Definition of a “Stay-At-Home” Mom is long gone. Here’s what’s Replaced It…

The Traditional Definition of a “Stay-At-Home” Mom is long gone. Here’s what’s Replaced It…

“The traditional definition of a ‘stay-at-home’ mom, an old school homemaker, is long gone…and in today's economy, where so many of us are piecing together side hustles and various freelance opportunities to stay afloat, it turns out that staying at home has become a gig all on its own.” - Laura Vanderkam

According to a study done by, 62% of the self-identified “stay-at-home” moms surveyed indicate they contribute to the household income, 34% work an average of 4.5 hours a day and 25% run a business from home. “Stay-at-home” moms aren’t just caring for their kids they’re caretaking and working! So what do you get when you cross a “stay-at-home” mom that spends a good portion of her day working?