You Can Do What You Love AND Get Paid For It

(This post is part one of the current blog series: Overcome Your Fear :: Become A Mompreneur. To read the initial post that sets up the series, click here.)

Ok. Let’s just jump right into what is likely one of the biggest questions holding you back from transitioning into the life of a mompreneur: What kind of work would you do? Though hidden within this question is another, probably more important question: What kind of work would you do to make money? It always seems to come down to money, doesn’t it? It’s hard to imagine leaving the security of your full-time job to do something where you are not sure the kind of money it will make you.

But, what if you took money out of the equation? What would you do then? And no, you can’t say “travel the world” (though you may want to). We all desire to make a significant contribution to this world, to have our gifts and talents utilized in a productive way…but what is your unique way? There are hundreds of possibilities for making money as a mompreneur (see point 2 below), so the question is not what can you do, but what do you want to do?

Here are three steps to help you answer that question:

  1. Give yourself permission to dream. Spend some time journaling, thinking and discussing the following questions: What would you love to do if anything was possible and money was not a part of the equation? What activities bring you the most joy? When do you find yourself losing track of time? What do people tell you you're really good at?
  2. Research the many ways you can turn your passion into income. If it doesn’t seem obvious how you can make money doing one of the things on the list you made above, do some research. Here is a website full of ideas on how to make money from home.
  3. Connect with others doing just what you want to do. Find some blogs on doing just what you want to do and subscribe. Find a Facebook group and start actively following them. Start asking some questions of this new community: How did they get started? How much money do they really make? What tips and advice do they have? You do not have to pave a new path as you begin, tap into their expertise.

The choice to live with passion or to give up on your dreams is strictly up to you. The most important thing you need to do at this point is to simply set the intention to find a way to do what you really want to do, because…

You can do what you love and get paid for it.