Friend, you do not need to choose between your work and your kids.

You can have a powerful and successful career AND have a happy, memory-making home.

How do I know? 

Because when you start living with crystal clarity and confidence, you will begin to set goals for your career and home life that are no longer at odds with each other. It is all in the power of your mindset, and that is exactly the work I do as a coach.

As a certified professional life coach, I help women to navigate the transition into becoming a working mom. I help them to sort through the confusion so they can decide exactly what they want and actually go after it.

But it hasn’t always been this way, I know what you’re going through, because I’ve been there too.

When I first got pregnant, I thought I’d just jump right back into work and life after maternity. But then, my beautiful daughter arrived and everything felt confusing. When I started back, the joy I once had in my work seemed lost. And my home life suffered too. I felt like I was caught between two worlds, both of which were important, but neither one was thriving. I never had enough time to spend with the kids and never had enough energy to put toward work. 

Fast forward a bit... after a year of soul searching, I was finally able to align who I was (woman, mom, wife, mentor, christian and neighbor) with the things that mattered most (kids, family and community). I became a coach because I wanted to align my passion and gifts with my time. So, I left my successful full-time job, went to coaching school and started working with women just like you. 

Rebecca is a member of the International Coaching Federation and is recognized as a leading Life Coach by the Coach Foundation."


Random Facts 

I drink tea in the morning. Black tea, never green or herbal. I cook new recipes all the time and love all food except mustard and root-beer. I play ultimate Frisbee. My son is my alarm clock each and every morning. I love long walks with my family where we meander the neighborhood and stop at every dandelion to make a wish. I love retreats. I live by a to-do list (maybe more than I should). I am closest to God in nature.

Education/Professional affiliations

Certified Professional Life Coach from Professional Christian Coaching Institute

Bachelor of Arts from San Diego State University in Theater Arts

International Coaching Federation Member


If you are an assessment nerd, like me, here are a few for you. I am an ENTJ (Meyers Briggs). My top Strength Finders are relator and analytical. My love language is quality time. My spiritual gifts are discernment and hospitality. I am an Enneagram 1.
