Client Interviews on the
Ambitious & Balanced Working Moms Podcast—————————————————————————————————————————————

Everything to everyone all at once
(with Kim Nguyen)

The long term results of coaching
(with Nicole Anderson)

Feeling your feelings
(with Dr. Skylar Clark)

From self-doubt to confident
(with Ana Marfil)

Balancing ambition with feeling enough
(with Misty Dykema)

Shifting your mindset
(with Meredith McCay)

Becoming a confident decision maker
(with Amanda Yan)

How to not fail when pursuing your dream
(with Sara Federschmidt)

Believing you can do it
(with Ali Gorsuch)

4 tools to calm down your brain
(with Cathy Sullivan)

Managing Imposter Syndrome
(with Nicole)

Achieve More By Working Less
(with Erika Maddamma)

Separating your identity from your job
(with Erin Bowald)

From Feeling Lost to Following a Dream
(with Laura Hardie)


Clients Share their Coaching Experience ____________________________________________________


Cathy is a working mom of 2 who came to coaching feeling like "there is so much more potential I have in this world”. She didn’t want to settle for the rinse-and-repeat life of being a working mom. Today, Cathy regularly chooses time with her kids over washing the dishes. She is able to stay calm when her son can’t put on his shoes. She is able to go with the flow and make choices that value connection and laughter over orderly and memorable. In this interview, Cathy shares her 3 favorite tools she learned in coaching to help her be more present, patient and in control of her emotions.

Listen to Cathy’s interview on the Ambitious & Balanced Working Mom Podcast here.


Ashely Tolub

Ashely Tolub is at the Director level in her company AND a mother of two young children. In this interview she shares how she was able to establish boundaries, learn to take time for herself and keep her family priorities first even during the pandemic.


Kate Kelly

Kate is a financial planner and a mom of two and when she started coaching she thought that her only option was to pull back in her career.

Listen in as she shares what really turned things around and how she was able to regain control of her time and productivity!



Kelli is an ambitious working mom who felt stuck in the rat race of corporate life. She wanted to figure out the next phase in her career, yes, but ultimately she wanted to be in control of her happiness.

In coaching we did all this and so much more. Listen in and she tells us exactly how...



Hilary Welch working mom of 3, shares how she was able to overcome the fear of failure to follow her dream, take some risks and go after her happiness....all during C0VID.



Working mom, Faith, shares how she went from self-doubt and always needing validation from others to feeling confident and clear about herself and her career direction.



My client Erika Maddamma shares how she followed her dream of 10 years to start an organizing business and pursue the life she's always wanted (even with a small kiddo, and cat, running around).

Listen to Erika’s interview on the Ambitious & Balanced Working Mom Podcast here.



Ali shares how she moved out of feeling like she was failing at everything into clarity and confidence. She learned exactly what it means to operate with ambition in her career, while managing two kids and she ultimately created A PLAN for exactly what she wants next...the implications of her work in coaching will have a positive effect for years to come!

Listen to Ali’s interview on the Ambitious & Balanced Working Mom Podcast here.



My client, Misty shares her experience of how coaching has launched her into the next season of life as a high achiever, working mom and owner of a midsize marketing company.



My client, Angelina’s story is inspiring to any working mom that feels like they are spiralling downward without any clue how to stop it. In this 20 minute interview, Angelina tells you exactly what she did to get her head above ground and seal the deal on an amazing job.


BriAnn Radeke Denoyer

Working mom of 3 kids shares her internal transformational coaching journey from “chaos to confident”.



Kara speaks about how she found the necessary confidence to leave her lucrative job of 6+ years WITHOUT having another job lined up!



Katrina shares how she found the clarity and confidence she needed to leave her career of 15 years to go after something much more fulfilling!


Sipra Roy Halteman

Working mom of a busy one-year old shares how she left her “dream job” in order to pursue a more fulfilling life.

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Need some help balancing a successful career and a thriving home life? Schedule a call and let’s see if coaching can help you on your working mom journey.