What is your intention for 2019...?

The concept I am about to share with you literally changed my life. It's simple and yet very profound. Ready for it? 

{When you focus on finding something, you're more likely to find it.}

I like to call this setting an intention.

In the beginning of each year, I go about a process to do just that. To set an intention for the year. I do this by picking a word of the year that helps bringfocusand success. I have found that when I set an intention using this method I begin to seemore opportunitiespresent themselves. I seegreater successat achieving my goals. I find myself moresatisfiedandaccomplished.

This year, my intention is to INCREASE! That means I plan to increase my business, increase my impact in the working mom community, increase my reading of books, increase my routines, etc...

So the question is simple, what’s your intention for 2019? 

This is a game changer for me as a mom and I will be sharing more about the process soon. Be sure to keep up in our Facebook group, Working Moms that Want It All as I go live and support you in your working mom journey!