The collective is currently closed for enrollment

You can still work with me one-on-one in coaching. To find out more click the button below.

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(The Collective is a group coaching program for ambitious women who want to make family a top priority without sacrificing their career.)

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You have a successful career. You work hard and always give 100%. You care about what you do and the people you work with. You are a strong and capable woman who wants to continue doing work you find meaningful and fulfilling.

But since having your baby, something has shifted. Your priorities have changed and you don’t want to work the amount of hours you worked before.

You’ve lost the confidence you once had. Your family obviously comes first but you don’t know how to balance the demands of work with the demands of your home life. You feel pulled in so many different directions and it feels like you’re on a crazy emotional roller coaster that comes with craving more time with your child and wanting to work but feeling GUILTY for working.

MAYBE YOU'VE fOUNd yourself...

  • FEELING GUILTY for not spending enough time with your kids.

  • Trying to hold clear boundaries between work and home but FAILING.

  • COMPARING YOURSELF to others, questioning how others are able to balance it all.

  • Fearing you will MISS OUT on your kid’s formative years and REGRET working.

  • Experiencing a LOSS OF IDENTITY since you have always worked and been successful and now you can’t seem to figure anything out.

  • FEELING STUCK because you don’t want to pull back on your career, but can’t figure out how to manage all the demands of a working mom life.

  • Coming home STRESSED AND ANXIOUS from your day in the office which affects your ability to really enjoy the few precious moments you have with your baby in the evening.

  • LACKING MOTIVATION at work because your heart just doesn’t feel in it.

  • Putting all your needs on the back burner because there JUST ISN'T ENOUGH TIME to do anything when you are either working or taking care of the baby.


What you need is to regain CONFIDENCE, get CLEAR on your priorities and make a PLAN to create balance so that you can fully embrace these early years with your kids while not sacrificing your career.  

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 My experience working with Rebecca was truly life-changing.

“I was really struggling as a new mom recently back at work, and it was impacting my happiness, my marriage, and my satisfaction at work. My work with Rebecca allowed me to shift from seeking external solutions (e.g. Should I quit my job?) to my internal problems (gaining more confidence and sense of purpose). The only thing I would do differently next time is start working with Rebecca even sooner!” - Laurel


  • CLEAR DIRECTION on how to adjust your work life so that it no longer feels like your top priority

  • Rekindled CONFIDENCE so you stop second-guessing

  • An ability to slow down and be PRESENT with your family at the end of a long work-day

  • How to set CLEAR BOUNDARIES so you don’t miss out on your kid’s life

  • Effective strategies for MANAGING THE DEMANDS of work and home successfully

  • To NOT SACRIFICE your lifestyle or your career while keeping your family first

  • Control of your thoughts and emotions so your INTERNAL WORLD FEELS CALM

  • A DEEP UNDERSTANDING of who you are so that you feel confident in your job and as a mom

And most of all, you desire the tools to create an ambitious and balanced life, now and forever.

these tools are the foundation of the collective.


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The Ambitious and Balanced Working Mom Collective is a group coaching program for high achieving women who want to make family their top priority without sacrificing their career.

But it’s not just about teaching you how to manage all your commitments and how to squeeze more productivity out of your day.

It’s about reprograming your brain so you don’t feel you HAVE TO do so much in order to feel successful. A balanced life is never filled with HAVE-TO’s, it is filled with WANT-TO’s.

There are 5 steps to creating a balanced life:

  1. Rekindling confidence

  2. Getting clear on what you want

  3. Controlling your mind

  4. Creating & sticking to boundaries

  5. Learning to manage your time

In the Collective, I will walk you through each of these steps and coach you to create a balanced life TODAY.

Inside the collective:



Whether you are being coached yourself or watching another ambitious working mom get coached, you will walk away with exactly what you need to create the balanced life you desire. Calls will be recorded so you will always be able to watch the coaching on-demand.


Members receive immediate access to a community of other ambitious working moms who believe and are working toward balance in their own lives. Being a working mom who does not want to sacrifice your career can be lonely. Many women don’t have a community of women that are successful, with similar goals and similar challenges. This community will be a place to connect with other like-minded women and discover you are not alone.


The course teaches you exactly how to create a balanced life NO MATTER YOUR CIRCUMSTANCE. It focuses on YOU becoming the balanced person instead of waiting for your career or boss to create it for you. You get instant access to the entire course when you join and will receive access to all added modules and bonus content in the future. The course consists of bite-size trainings (3-8 minute videos) that you can consume and implement quickly for results in your life. The trainings are made to fit the tiny pockets of time you have in-between everything else you’ve got going on.

  • 30+ bite-size videos ranging from 3 - 8 minutes

  • 15 workbooks to print or use as a fillable PDF

  • Simple reflection questions to shift you into balance IN THE MOMENT


All week long, for all the things that come up, we’ve got you. In the Collective, you will be able to request personal coaching and daily support from the Ambitious and Balanced team. You will get constant support and the coaching you need to be successful!


The foundation to creating balance is the same no matter your season of life. However, as your kids get older and your career changes, the challenges will be different and we will be there for you. You will have access to coaching, added materials, and any new support that is generated to help you create balance faster. Whether you are a new mom or your kids are graduating from high school, this is the place for you!

Lifetime access price: $2000

The collective is currently closed for enrollment

You can still work with me one-on-one in coaching. To find out more click the button below.

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module 1- confidence

The foundation to work-life balance is YOU. Balance is a feeling and no one creates that feeling but you. In this module, I will break down how to define and then become the best version of you.

  • Learn how to separate your identity from your career - you are MORE than just your job

  • Understand your specific purpose in life to rekindle motivation and energy

  • In 3 steps, to create your internal compass to help you become a more clear and confident-decision maker

  • Learn to silence the inner critic to create a clear and calm brain

  • Recognize what it takes to rekindle your mojo so you can feel 100% about your paid and unpaid work


Module 2- Clarity

A balanced life is a life you WANT to live. A life where you feel present and focused.

  • Discover how to be “regret-free” and learn the secret to getting your brain to create it

  • Get out of the “living for the weekend” mentality so you get out of bed every day with purpose

  • A clear formula to decide if you are in the RIGHT job and if not, learn to define what’s next

  • End the “rinse and repeat” life where everything feels the same and then learn to rekindle adventure and fun


module 3- Controlled mind

Our brains are the control center of our actions. There is a direct correlation between what you think and what you do. So, if you want to take balanced actions you have to think balanced thoughts.

  • Identify the exact thoughts that are creating imbalance in your life and learn to shift them

  • Learn a simple tool for evaluating your thoughts and connecting them to unwanted actions (i.e. checking your phone when hanging out with your family)

  • Build a highway in your brain to balanced thoughts that help you keep to your boundaries and create a calm and purposeful life

  • Practice 10 quick ways to practice balance thoughts that will end negative self-talk

  • Learn to process fear, anxiety, and overwhelming feelings quickly so they don’t stick with you throughout your day


modulE 4- Boundaries

Boundaries are what you need to put in place in order to stop overworking and keep your family a priority. To create a balanced life you need to decide, ahead of time, what those boundaries are and stick to them.

  • Get crystal clear what is most important to you and how to always protect it

  • Discover what causes you to flex your boundaries and create a plan to handle them

  • Learn how to move past the fear of failing so you can end perfectionism

  • Flip your “have-to’s” into “want-to’s” so life no longer feels forced

  • Learn to say NO to more so you can say YES to your family

  • Acquire the skills to never feel held back by the fear of disappointing others


module 5- time management

Time management is a pillar of work-life balance. In this module, I will walk you through how a balanced person manages their time so that they always focus on what is most important to them and they always feel they are getting the most out of their time and their life. 

  • The missing link to getting more done in less time

  • Learn to never work at night or on the weekends, if you don’t want to

  • Achieve the art of distraction-free productivity so you accomplish more in less time

  • Recognize how to achieve the same high level of productivity but in less time

  • Learn the process of transitioning from work to home so you walk in the front door at the end of a long workday, present and ready for your family



Click below to get immediate access to all the videos & workbooks so you can stop overworking and spend more time with your family RIGHT NOW.

Lifetime Access Price: $2000


What happens once I sign up?

  • You will get an email with your log-in to the membership portal

  • You will get the link to join the private Facebook community

  • You will get the details on when and how to join the LIVE group coaching calls

  • You will receive detailed instructions on how to utilize the collective to the fullest, ask questions and get the coaching you need to be successful

  • Enjoy the collective for life!

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In the weeks ahead you will no longer feel caught between a successful career and being a rock-star mom. Together we will create your own clear road map that combines both so that you navigate your life at work and your life at home, and become the best version of you.

You’ll learn the tools to create A BALANCED LIFE no matter your circumstances!

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Have we met? Hi, I'M REBECCA OLSON-

As a Certified Professional Life Coach, I help working moms balance their ambitious career goals with their life as a mom. I help them create a foundation of confidence so they stop second-guessing themselves, end working mom guilt and create strong boundaries.

And I also know what you’re going through, because I’ve been there too.

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When I first got pregnant,

I said, “… of course I’ll go back to work. It won’t be too hard.”

But then, my beautiful daughter arrived and maternity leave was just too short. When I started back, the confidence and joy I once had in my work seemed lost and I never had enough time to get it all done. I felt like I was failing at everything and missing out on my kid’s life.  

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Balance is not found in a perfect schedule, a low-stress job, a family-friendly company or a supportive husband.

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It’s literally found inside my body.

Which means I need to look inside of me to create it.

Fueled by this revelation, I was able to take charge and create the balanced life I desire. Now, I…

  • Feel PRESENT at both work and home.

  • Know what is MOST IMPORTANT and orient my daily life and work life around the things that matter most.

  • Always feel like I have ENOUGH TIME to get everything done.

  • Am IN CHARGE OF MY OWN SCHEDULE and get to participate in my kids school activities without guilt.

  • Am GUILT-FREE when I drop my kids off at child care because it is on my terms.

  • Enjoy PEACE OF MIND, knowing I am the mom I want to be and they are growing up to be the kind of human I want them to be.


And now, I want to teach you how to create the

ambitious and balanced life you desire.


The collective is currently closed for enrollment

You can still work with me one-on-one in coaching. To find out more click the button below.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"Rebecca helped me mentally shift my perspective, be comfortable saying no and have stricter boundaries between work and life.”

'“For over a decade, I’ve let work dominate my life to the point where it became my identity. Now with a baby, I had an identity crisis. I am now a mom, and simply am not able nor want work to have that type of dominant role in my life. Rebecca helped me step back and think about my self-concept and what I truly want. She helped me mentally shift my perspective, be comfortable saying no and have stricter boundaries between work and life. More importantly- she’s helped me shift my thinking to not feel guilty! Rebecca has been an amazing coach, and I will definitely call her again when I need to resume coaching help.” - Elaine

your questions - answered

+ Do you offer payment plans?

Yes, you can choose to pay $400 for 6 months ($2400) or receive a 20% discount and pay in full ($2000).

+ I am hesitant about joining a group program. Will this program work for me?

The most useful thing to believe is that YOU are in the drivers seat of creating a balanced life. I can't create balance for you. Your job can't. It's YOU. The fact that you are choosing to create balance within a group setting is a huge plus, because you get to journey with other women who are going through the same exact process as you. You will relate to what each of them are feeling and thinking because you are experiencing the same things. You will learn from them and they will learn from you. This will become a small knit community for you. I guarantee the group format will only enhance your coaching experience!

+ When should I expect the course materials?

Within hours of joining the collective, you will recieve an email with your personal log-in information. The course, recorded group coaching calls & trainings will be at your finger tips in seconds.

+ Are the live group coaching calls recorded?

Yes! All previous calls will be available to you in the membership portal and you can watch them on-demand.

+ How can I get connected to the team if I have a question during the program?

There are several ways to connect to the Ambitious and Balanced team should you need personalized support. The live group coaching calls & Facebook community are the primary ways. We will answer every Facebook post within in 24 hours.

+ What should I expect during the live group coaching calls?

During our live group coaching sessions, we will look at what progress you have made, discuss new learnings, evaluate challenges and design forward-moving action steps to keep you moving toward a more balanced life.

+ Do you offer one-to-one coaching?

Yes. If you are interested in exploring this option, please setup a free call. Fill out a short form & schedule your call here:

+ How much time will it take to create balance?

The course is self study, and all elements of the program are optional. You get to choose what you use & when.

That said, on average, the ambitious moms in the program spend:

  • One hour a week attending/participating in the live group coaching
  • One hour a week (10 min a day) participating/getting coaching in the Facebook community
  • 20-60 minutes a week going through material in the course